Hospital Appointment Waiting Times

More patients are asking us to speed up their hospital appointments and we know that you might feel upset about waiting times.

Once your referral letter has been sent, the GP is not told about waiting times.

Waiting longer for an appointment does not make your request more urgent, and we are not able to write a letter on your behalf to speed up your appointment.

You could try:

  • Contacting the hospital on their main phone number and ask to speak to the Consultant’s secretary.
  • Contacting the hospital PALS service (Patient Advice and Liaison Service). You can contact them by calling the main hospital phone number and asking to speak to the PALS Team.

If you feel that you have had a change in your health problem, you should:

  • Write to the specialist and ask them to review your notes to decide if you need an earlier appointment. In your letter you can ask that they contact you directly to let you know of their choice and how long you will be waiting.
  • If you develop a new health problem or significant new or worsening symptoms –  please contact us or NHS 111
  • In an emergency, you should dial 999 or attend A&E.

Thank you for your patience and support at this time. By following these actions, you will help us to free up valuable appointments for those who need them.